What if...
You looked as often as you could for the joy...
You looked as often as you could for all you were grateful for...
You looked as often as you could for all the things that make you smile...
You looked as often as you could for all the things that light you up...
You did it day after day after day...

There will always be challenges, decisions & pain...
There will always be love, joy & abundance...

What if...
You spent your time focused on the latter...
You would feel & experience more love, joy & abundance & give yourself the ability & energy to work through the challenges, decisions & pain...

This is not rocket science just simple truth, science, universal law & a whole lot of empirical evidence.
Give yourself every opportunity to enjoy this life you are blessed with by filling it with as many beautiful, loving, joyful moments you can. It will serve you well in creating more but also in the darker times, if you have trained your mind to focus on what’s good & uplifting for you.
Because we cannot solve, break free & move forward when we are stuck focused on the pain, but we can if we are tapped in, tuned in & turned on to all the love, joy & beauty that surrounds us.

Love Karen

Photo: Pinterest; PraiseWedding

› What If

My new PD for Women VIP Membership program new intake is ready to launch!
If you're ready to create beautiful changes in your life, check out the link to discover how this may be just what you've been looking for!


If you're ready to;

  • Discover & gain clarity & direction on your biggest dreams & desires
  • Discover how beautiful, capable, amazing & worthy you are
  • Become the leading lady in your life
  • To do the work required to get the results you desire
  • Stop playing small
  • Make a beautiful difference in the world
  • Awaken your best self & Live a Life You Love

Then lock in a FREE call or get started straight away by clicking on the links below to discover the perfect package for you

CELEBRATING YOU - Awaken Your Best Self - An online E-Course for Women

  • Do you wake up each morning with a great big smile. Or do you wake with a million pressures and things to do?
  • Do you head into your day full of excitement, self-worth, self-acceptance and self-love. Or full of doubt, worry, beliefs and thoughts that keep you from living your best life and experiencing the love you know you deserve?

Celebrating You is about discovering the greatest relationship you will ever have! It's the one you can never hide from, the one that affects them all! 

In this on-line E-Course you will discover the keys to;

  • Loving the life you live,
  • Creating beautiful, fulfilling, loving relationships,
  • Self-confidence and the future you desire and deserve.

› To my beautiful tribe