Happy New Year to You

BLOG by Karen Offord

31st December 2014

What an amazing year!

As another year draws to a close, we are reminded on a larger scale of the triumphs, the devastation, the heart break and the moments that touched our lives and united us all. We are humbled and reminded how incredibly resilient, loving, caring, capable and generous we can be as human beings.

In our grander thoughts of the year passing, thoughts of what the new year holds for us personally, enters many people’s minds. For some, their minds will be full of hope, excitement, goals, plans and ideas. I will be part of this pack as I look forward to setting new goals, new challenges and creating wonderful opportunities that are productive, beneficial and positive for myself, my family, the community and the growth of mankind. I get super excited as each New Year rolls in, looking back at what I've accomplished and learnt and the possibilities that lay before me. But for many others (maybe you) I know and understand that it may be full of worry, doubt and fear while others will see it as just another year. 

So many people are not aware of the control and the choices they actually possess.

You create the world you live in and then you have to live in the world you create. But nobody ever said you can't change if for the better and create a new world!

Whatever your dreams, your goals you must accompany them with action - specific, clear steps to take you there. Grab your free copy of 'Dream, Plan, Action' and with clarity, focus and specific steps, create 2015 the way you want it to be! 

"If you can dream it, you can do it" Walt Disney.

Focus on gratitude. The key to seeing even more to be grateful and thankful for and creating an inner happiness that cannot be attained from anything material. Start a gratitude journal or take up my gratitude challenge .

Develop the greatest relationship you will ever have, the one that affects all others - the relationship you have with yourself, because; 
- When you can embrace yourself - you can embrace others!
- When you can forgive yourself - you can forgive others!
- When you can accept yourself - you can accept others!
- When you can love yourself - you can love others!

Understanding, embracing and loving yourself not only enhances your world but also the lives of all those around you. The greater relationship you have with yourself - the greater the relationship you will experience with others.

Embrace with all your energy everything that is good in your world from the simple things to the grander things in life that we so easily take for granted. Know that you can contribute, mould and shape the world you live in by your thoughts and your actions.

May you have an amazing New Year’s Eve, filled with love, family and friends. May you reflect positively and lovingly on all that you learnt, experienced and achieved through 2014.
May you be filled with excitement and possibility for creating an amazing 2015


I look forward to sharing with you in the New Year xx

› Happy New Year to You - 2014