The 'f' word

And why we should use it more often...

I've been wanting to write about the 'F' word for sometime,

It's a word we don't use enough or think about enough. We should be using it when someone upsets us, when something goes wrong or not to plan. We should use it on ourselves, when we seemingly fail, when we feel not good enough, not capable enough or worthy enough.

It should be used with the greatest of love and meaning. Why? Because it is freeing and healing for you. 

It is an act of self-love.

Of course the 'F' word I'm talking about is 'FORGIVENESS'

It really is one of the most underused but most needed words. And one of the keys to moving forward and living a happier, healthier life.

It is also one of the hardest words to understand and apply, but one we MUST master so that we can free ourselves from the prison and pain that lack of forgiveness brings.

When we are unable to forgive; the negative thoughts, feelings and emotions are like poison in our bodies, causing so many problems like stress, anger, resentment, internal conflict, depression, along with physical pain. It can creep in and destroy relationships, careers and in many cases; life.

Sadly, so many people hold onto their anger and pain believing that forgiveness let's those who have hurt us off the hook. I can never forgive 'that' many say and often pride gets in the way. They can carry the anger and hurt their entire lives not realising the serious affects and that the only one who truly suffers is themselves.

Forgiveness is truly a metamorphis from victimisation to healing and renewal. 

Forgiveness is a choice that will free your soul.

In the words of some of the most highly respected mentors and teachers of our time:

"Forgiveness is letting go of the past to open a way for the future. Forgivesness is not about saying it's ok, it's not even about doing anything for the other person. True forgiveness is about letting go of what you think happened so that you can make room in your being for something new to really take place" Iylanla Vanzant.

"Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different" Oprah Winfrey

"Forgiveness only requires willingness and intention" Dr Robert Holden.

The beauty of forgiveness as Dr Robert Holden's quote above notes is that you do not require any skill or tool, it is a choice, a conscious choice to choose differently. A willingness, an intention to let go, to not hold on and to not allow what ever happened to you to take you to such a dark place that it shuts you down or closes you off from all the love, joy and possibility that is there for you.

I'd like to finish up this post by sharing a video with you from one of Oprah's Super Soul Sunday's with Marianne Williamson. It is a beautiful inspiring chat between two incredible woman, an important message of forgiveness, transformation and healing.

Forgiveness is not easy but neither is living with all the pain, suffering and heartache that comes when we cannot forgive.

It is a choice but one that will lead you to the healing, freedom, joy and love you truly deserve.

P.S We have all experienced things in our life that are so painful and seemingly impossible to move past, let alone forgive - but we absolutely can. If you are struggling in this area please reach out to a friend, a mentor, a professional so that they can help you move through it and breakfree, you don't ever have to suffer in silence or believe for a second that it's not possible for you. I would also encourage you to listen to the incredible story (one of millions of incredible forgiveness stories) of Immaculee Ilibagiza or Dr Edith Eger (just google their names in Youtube to hear their incredible stories.

› The F Word