"If all the women in the world started loving themselves even more with every year that passed"

I was scrolling through one of my favourite Instagram pages 'Wild Women Sisterhood' & found a short article that really grabbed my attention.

But first let me start with a thought...

Imagine... "what would happen if all the women in the world started loving themselves even more with every year that passed"

I loved the article & wanted to share it here with you. It stands out to me more now as I'm heading towards my 50th birthday (not quite I just turned 48). When I was in my 30's I was already heading down the dreaded path of panic; who will want me when I'm old & grey. I wanted a boob job, eye lift, hair extensions, laser surgery, liposuction - you name it! I was afraid of being that little old lady nobody saw anymore. How those thoughts have changed, the more I learn & grow, the more I'm embracing who I am, my age, my lines & wrinkles & wiggly bits that once weren't there.

I love the signs of ageing now; Signs of...



Years of experience discovering how to relax more & not take life so seriously,

Putting myself first, free from guilt,

Choosing who I spend my precious time with,

Connecting with Women on such a deeper, soulful beautiful level, seeing past the physical & seeing the radiant light that shines within each of them.

The rest are just signs the 'world' illuminates for the market to sell stuff, signs that we see like big NEON lights saying you're not good enough... you need this, that & everything else to make you more acceptable... I'm all for taking good care of ourselves & for beautiful things that make you feel feminine, pretty, alive, but I choose now if or when.

"What would happen if all the women in the world started loving themselves even more with every year that passed"

We'd be free.

Below is the original post,

"Women get more beautiful as they grow older. Not less. Female youth is only prized in modern culture because it doesn't represent as much of a threat spiritually to anyone who is frightened of divine feminine power. As women grow and mature, they call in stronger forces of sacred feminine wisdom. They vibrate with the creative power of their stories. They are more of a force to be reckoned with. They see more, know more, feel more. They put up with a lot less bullshit. When women are trained into thinking there is something fundamentally wrong with getting older, and are coerced into spending money, energy and power investing in 'slowing the signs of ageing', an enormous vault of divine love is lost. Just think what would happen if all the women in the world started loving themselves even more with every year that passed. Perhaps a total revolution would occur."

Author: Sophie Bashford

Picture: Anna Orso

› IMAGINE If all the women in the world started loving themselves more

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  • Discover how beautiful, capable, amazing & worthy you are
  • Become the leading lady in your life
  • To do the work required to get the results you desire
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  • Awaken your best self & Live a Life You Love

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CELEBRATING YOU - Awaken Your Best Self - An online E-Course for Women

  • Do you wake up each morning with a great big smile. Or do you wake with a million pressures and things to do?
  • Do you head into your day full of excitement, self-worth, self-acceptance and self-love. Or full of doubt, worry, beliefs and thoughts that keep you from living your best life and experiencing the love you know you deserve?

Celebrating You is about discovering the greatest relationship you will ever have! It's the one you can never hide from, the one that affects them all! 

In this on-line E-Course you will discover the keys to;

  • Loving the life you live,
  • Creating beautiful, fulfilling, loving relationships,
  • Self-confidence and the future you desire and deserve.

› To my beautiful tribe