Happy New Years Eve!

My last post for 2015!
What a year it has been!

As another year draws to a close, we are reminded on a larger scale of the triumphs, the joy, the grace, the devastation, the heart break and the moments that touched our lives and united us all.

We are humbled and reminded how incredibly resilient, loving, caring, capable and generous we can be as human beings. Along with how fragile life can be.

Reminding us to embrace and cherish every moment.

As the bells ring out at midnight and the fireworks go off and we embrace our loved ones and welcome in a new year our hearts will also go out to those who have passed. Never forgotten.

We each contribute to this world in our own unique way. Embrace who you are, be the best you can be and with gratitude and love in your heart you will have already given a beautiful gift to the world; just by your presence.

May you have an amazing New Year, filled with love, family and friends. 

May you reflect positively and lovingly on all that you learnt, experienced and achieved through 2015

May you be filled with excitement and possibility for creating an amazing 2016

Happy new year to you

May all your dreams come true!

May you believe and know it's possible 


Love Karen

I look forward to sharing with you again in the New Year.

› Happy New Year!